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Academic Experience

  • Postdoctoral researcher. ​​Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo.  São Paulo, São Paulo - Brazil. ​

    • Research Center for Gas Innovation

    • August 2019 - August 2021

  • Ph.D. Civil Engineering.  University of Notre Dame. South Bend, Indiana - U.S.A.                                                 

    • Advisor:  Dr. Joannes J. Westerink ​​

    • August 2015 - May 2019

  • Masters. Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York - U.S.A. 

    • Advisor: Dr. Brian A. Colle​​

    • Co-advisor: Dr. Malcolm Bowman

    • August 2012 - May 2015 

  • Bachelors. Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York - U.S.A.   

    • Advisor: Dr. Brian A. Colle

    • August 2008 - May 2012                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Professional Experience

  • W.F. Baird & Associates:  Coastal engineer and consultant for coastal hazards caused by flooding, wave, and storm tides. 

    • Sept. 2021 - current​

  • Binera. Subcontractor for coastal ocean model development. ​

    • Sept 2020 - Sept. 2021​

  • Stony Brook University. School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. Visiting scholar. New York, NY.           

    • December 2019 - current

  • Argonne National Laboratory. Environmental Earth Science Division. Contracting scientist. Chicago, IL.        

    • August 2018 - January 2019.​​

  • University of Notre Dame. Department of Civil Engineering. Graduate Research Assistant.       

    • August 2015 - May 2019

  • Stony Brook University. School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences. Graduate Research Assistant.     

    • August 2012 - May 2015

  • Brookhaven National Laboratory. KOKX. National Weather Service Intern.                                                               

    • September 2010 - January 2011

Mentoring/teaching Experience

  • EGUSphere 

  • Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS)

Scientific Article Referee

 I was a Teaching Assistant in both Notre Dame Department of Civil Engineering and Stony Brook Atmospheric Science department for several years. I performed several duties, including preparing and delivering lectures, lab tutorials, marking, and supervision of final year projects.

Throughout my post-doc I worked collaboratively and as a mentor other Ph.D. students and team members.

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